Quantum Leaf12″ x 16″ Watercolor on Aquaboard

Quantum Leaf, kind of a strange name for a painting. I was attracted to this image because of the strong diagonal composition and the tension between the bright warm Sienna and Ochre pigments contrasting with the cool Blues of the gravel. I painted this piece on Aquaboard panel and finished it with a spray on varnish and topped with Dorman’s wax. Painting on Aquaboard with watercolor is very different from painting on a textured watercolor painting, you can go back in and lift the pigments easier and the base white of the panel is brighter so the translucent color is more intense.

I quite often listen to books while I work in the studio. During this painting I was listening to, “The Quantum Revelation,” by Paul Levy https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Quantum_Revelation.html?id=6i0otAEACAAJ. This is a mind bending exploration about the Quantum reality of our existence, where consiousness is the prime creative force in the universe. The idea that our observable decisions create a multiverse where decisive scenarios can branch off into different outcomes is hard to wrap one’s brain around. These realizations do not originate with some new age gurus or ethereal belief systems; they come from the most brilliant scientific minds of our age, Einstein, Wheeler, Dyson and many others. Like the song lyrics say, “Life is but a dream.”

Quantum Leaf” Compositional Sketch

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately, continuing on in the studio, chasing these fleeting moments of beauty, trying to appreciate the moment. I will be participating in the 29th annual Whatcom Artist Studio Tour happening the first two weekends in October. Along with the Tour will be Gallery exhibitions, the first opening at Chuckanut Gallery May 2 and continuing through the month to May 30. Other shows will be at the Whatcom Museum, Jansen Art Center, Dakota Art and Allied Arts throughout the year. Hope to see you some time–people are always welcome to visit PatternArt Studio/Gallery. I am usually there weekdays from around 10am until around 2:30. I dont keep an exact schedule but just text or call if you want to drop by, 360-820-8025.

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